About Me

Yo. I’m Katie, and this is a sporadically updated blog about various bits and pieces. Enjoy geeky stories, ridiculous pop-culture conspiracy theories, mild-mannered ranting, and the occasional poem.

Yeah, the username is weird. If you don’t care why I chose Crazymagnet, there’s nothing left for you on this page. (If you do care, stick around.) So go check out the blog!

The short version is that sometime during high school, I noticed that I have a tendency to attract some rather odd characters. Some were/are just strange, others certifiably dysfunctional in one way or another. So there you go: I am a magnet for crazies. You could have figured that out on your own. (Sorry, I’m not usually this condescending. Writing an “About Me” page is off-putting, and I tend to go for stream-of-consciousness over the backspace key.)

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