I am secretly an old person

No seriously.

At the ripe old age of 18, I display many of the qualities associated with people a bit older than that. What follows is a partial list of reasons why I am old.

– I refuse to listen to loud music. My laptop speakers rarely go above 20%  (10% if I’m wearing headphones), and I don’t go to many concerts because it hurts my ears. Also, when I watch TV or movies with pretty much anybody, I am saddened and annoyed by how loud they need to have it. The level I find comfortable is “way too quiet Katie, I can’t even hear it.” Will I be the only person of my generation who’s not deaf by 30?

– Kids today aren’t the way they were when I was that that age. At least I have some support on this: I’ve seen at least one study suggesting that girls especially are maturing younger. And dear lord, they are rude! Didn’t their parents teach them respect?

– Even people my own age seem like a foreign species at times. 4 a lil bit in gr 8 i wrote liek this but i totes want u 2 no i dont do it nemore. We are plugged in and tuned out, and I don’t like it. I got an ipod for Christmas one year – I excitedly used it for about 6 months before the novelty wore off and I remembered that I had spent a decade and a half of my life being happy WITHOUT needing a constant, personal soundtrack that alienated me from all human interaction. As for the actual content of most popular music today…don’t even get me started. I’ll finish off this section by noting that as a general rule, I don’t text when I’m with friends (with the exception of answering my boyfriend if he contacts me, and letting him know I’m busy).

– For the most part, I am reasonably content with my life, close relationships and body. I know that’s not necessarily a quality of older people – I just see a lot of people my age who are convinced that they’ll never be good enough, physically or otherwise. We’re told that happiness will come to us if we do well in school and after we go to college and when we find the right person and if/when we get the “perfect” bodies in the fashion mags.

-Speaking of fashion: function over it. ‘Nuff said.

Alright kids, it’s after midnight and Grandma’s getting tired. Enjoy, and if you think of anything I’ve missed, feel free to comment. Adios!

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