The other day, I was driving with the radio on, not paying much attention to what was playing. A song came on and I thought “Hm, this girl has a decent voice, but the lyrics are a little whiny.” Then the chorus started.

And I’m like baby, baby, baby, ohhhhhhhhhhhh!

I’d never heard a Justin Bieber song without knowing who it was before. God he sounds (sounded? Has his voice changed yet?) like a woman!

I found a neat little facebook app, and I’ve a master plan to use it over the next week or so. This is gonna result in some hella weird facebook statuses. (Yes, the title is related. Hint: R stands for Reality.) It may spill over into the blog, so don’t get confused! If you’re not going to join in my silliness, just ignore all the strangeness over the next little while. I’ll make it clear when things are back to normal. Until then, I will NOT publicly break character here or on facebook, and any out-of-character comments might be deleted 😉

I’m finally moving back to Ottawa this weekend! It’s been a long summer, and I’m kinda glad it’s ending…I miss having a routine, I miss my friends from school, and most of all I miss my wonderful boyfriend! Posting frequency may suffer what with the move and and back to school. But who am I kidding, I have no set times or steady topics, so it probably won’t make a difference. I guess this was kind of a useless entry, but I have a feeling my life will get a bit more exciting in the coming days.

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