
Hello internet. It’s been a while. I don’t have one specific thing on my mind today, so enjoy some bits and pieces.

Ways to make the world a little brighter

1. Next time you’re in a long line, turn to the person behind you and strike up a conversation. I know – they’re a random stranger who has nothing in common with you. But when you’re both stuck somewhere for two hours, you’ll find out pretty quickly that you have more in common than you think.

2. Bus drivers are – for the most part – good people. Say thank you.

3.  Another time to strike up a conversation: when you happen to walk in the same direction as that guy who works near your house. You know the one I mean – the one who smiles at everybody but whose job is a total joke. And I know he has a limp and you’ll miss your bus if you slow down. Do it anyway. He needs it, and so do you.

4. Any other ideas? Leave a comment and I’ll give it a shot.

Weird Pop Culture Theories

1. Cee Lo Green was spending time with some childhood friends when one of them played a song he had written about a gold-digging woman who left him for a richer man. Cee Lo loved it and turned it into the hit “Fuck you,” not realizing that it was written about the girl he was seeing at the time.

2. The new Britney Spears song “I Wanna Go” makes heavy use of autotune and other electronic techniques, minimizing Britney’s trademark vocal tone. This is because the song is not, in fact, sung by Britney, but rather by a fairly good imitator. The use of autotune distorts the voice enough to make the difference virtually unnoticable.

3. The latest Star Trek movie established an alternate timeline through Spock’s time travel mishap later in life, leading to some events unfolding differently than in the original series. This alternate timeline is the same reason Marvel’s new movies (Thor, X-Men, etc) operate in a new, slightly revised canon.


I haven’t written much in a while, but I want to get started again. If I get a list of at least 10 subjects to write about, I will try to write 5 per week until I finish them all. Go!


That’s all I have for now. Do we like this format? It was actually pretty easy for me, and I felt it getting faster and looser as I went. (That’s what s/he said?) Anyway, I’m off for now but I’ll try to be back soon! I leave you with a quote I just either made up or stole from somewhere I’ve forgotten.

“Nobody who matters will ever tell you it’s impossible.”

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