
Mmkay, so I came upon a Cracked article about the worst types of blogs on the internet (find it at and I realized that I am drifting dangerously close to becoming the first type. I vow not to fall into the clutches of writer’s block and boredom! At least, not for another month or two.

The only issue here is that I don’t really have a direction for this space. I’d rather it didn’t degrade into a journal, but I also don’t have that one driving passion the way a lot of people seem to.

Maybe that’s a bit unclear –  let me try and explain again. (Whoops, too much Kate Nash lately. Go listen to her, it’ll do ya good.) Most of the blogs that actually take off have a specific topic, whether it’s music or gadgets or raising children. And the people who write them can keep going because they are passionate about that one topic.

Then there’s me. I’m such a generalist, more so than many people around me realize. It’s very easy for me to find common ground with most people, largely because I have such a wide variety of interests that we’re bound to have SOME overlap. And of course from then on, we mostly talk about the things we know we have in common.

Now that I’m actually writing this, it suddenly seems selfish. This probably happens to everybody to some degree. But it still seems that many people have one major passion, one thing that they love above all others. It’s been suggested that I do have one: singing. I have a few objections to that. First, it’s difficult for me to verbalize a lot of my thoughts about singing, and even if I could I don’t know why I would. By the time they’re on the interwebs reading blags, people either know what’s great about making their own music already, or they never will. Second, I spend very little of my time in song lately. I haven’t lost the drive, I’ve just lost some of the outlets – mostly, it’s the fact that I haven’t had access to any sort of choir for a year. A year! Holy monkey butts. Oh, and third, I am simultaneously a snob and not a snob about music – way too hard to explain, and I doubt I’ll ever find somebody who fully understands how I feel about it.

Wow, I’m so rambly once I get going! This is exciting. Who knew I had all these words in my head? (Actually, I did. Nevermind.) Anyway, I feel like I need a good strong closing sentence/paragraph, but endings were never my forte. (Man, do you remember those commercials a couple of years ago? This guy would be lying sprawled on the sidewalk in a gi, or some other weird situation, and he’d say something like “Karate’s not my forte……but that is!” and then he’d point to his car. ‘Cause the model was called a Forte. Get it get it? Aaaaand end tangent.) So the best option is probably just to wrap it up without any sort of long-winded signoff.

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