Stuff and things

I am not in the proper emotional state to be writing, but it’s been way too long.

Remember how I said my laptop charger was getting really iffy? Yeah, it broke. In quite possibly the only place that is not fixable. I’ve been using my boyfriend’s computer for quick things like checking my email (and possibly facebook… ^^”) , but blogging from there would have felt wrong, somehow. Maybe because he uses a Mac. Anyway, I’m home now and stealing my sister’s cable. (And here I thought she was stupid to buy the exact same computer that I had.)

Man, stuff has happened! It does that. Let’s see. I was in Buffalo with the bf’s family for their 100th annual reunion. Fun happened, baby cousins were cute, nothing else to say really.

I attempted to go to a show about an hour ago. A good friend of mine is in a band, and I was really excited that I was actually in Peterpatch to see them. And of course, it turns out to be a 19+ event. (I will be 19 in less than a month.) The facebook event for it didn’t say that, my friend didn’t mention it… Needless to say, I was NOT impressed, hence my less-than-ideal emotional state tonight.

I feel like there should be a point to this entry. Give me 5 minutes to think of one.

Nope. I have nothing. Happy Canada day, and goodnight folks.

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